Library Catalog
Welcome to the Oak Pointe Media Center's
Destiny Discover Online Card Catalog
Books & resources available from the OPES Library Media Center. You can also read some of our books online by selecting Follett Shelf. After clicking on the Destiny Discovery link, you will be asked for a username and password. Mrs. Durham or Mrs. Stackleather can give this to you the next time you visit the media center.
Instructions for using the Destiny Discover Card Catalog:
- Click on the Destiny Discover Card Catalog link, type in the student's Username - student ID; Password - birthdate (mm/dd/yyyy).
- Search Destiny for the books you want to borrow from the library by title, author, series or subject.
- If the book is “IN“, click on “Hold“. This will add this book to your holds list and an automated notification will be sent to library staff. Please note: Books marked as “OUT” have already been checked out. We do not know when these books will be returned to the library which means your wait time for these books will be unknown.
- Repeat 2 and 3 until you reach the holds limit when you will no longer be able to add more books to your holds list.
You will also find internet sites that will be useful to elementary students. After you enter your topic select web sites from the Destiny Discover Screen.